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Disposable Eco-friendly Tableware for Green Living

Author: Alex     Publish Time: 2024-05-22      Origin: Alex

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Recently, JiangSu Xusheng Eco-tech Co.,Ltd. were honored to participate in two exhibitions in Holland and Spain, showcasing our innovative sugarcane pulp dinner plates, aiming to provide global consumers with convenient and environmentally friendly dining solutions.


Our Sugar Cane Pulp Plates are not only highly functional and aesthetically pleasing, but more importantly, they are made from naturally biodegradable sugar cane fibers, making them fully compliant with environmental standards. These plates not only enhance the dining experience, but also reduce the negative impact of plastic and foam tableware on the environment.

We presented this innovative product at exhibitions in Holland and Spain, where it received a lot of attention and praise. During the exhibitions, we shared our concept and product advantages with international customers and partners, and received positive feedback and cooperation intentions.


As an enterprise dedicated to environmental protection, JiangSu Xusheng Eco-tech Co.,Ltd. always believe that environmental protection requires global joint efforts. Through our products and efforts, we hope to inspire more people to join the environmental protection action, and jointly contribute to the earth's ecological environment. We are eagerly looking forward to working with more partners to build a green and sustainable future.


JiangSu Xusheng Eco-tech Co.,Ltd. is dedicated to the production and sale of eco-friendly tableware products, including sugarcane pulp dinner plates, eco-friendly paper cups, etc., in order to meet the global consumers' demand for environmental protection and sustainable development. We adhere to the concept of "innovation, environmental protection, quality", and continue to introduce high-quality products to meet market demand, to provide customers with a better dining experience.

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